16 March 2023

New Publication: Archaeology and Social Justice in Island Worlds

IN THE SAME SEA Postdoctoral Fellow Felicia Fricke and her colleague Rachel Hoerman (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa/Kaliʻuokapaʻakai Collective/Huliauapaʻa/Nohopapa Hawaiʻi) have recently published an opinion piece entitled ‘Archaeology and social justice in island worlds’ in the journal World Archaeology. This short text discusses problems with white supremacy and neo-colonialism in archaeology that are exacerbated on small islands like those of the Caribbean and the Hawaiian Islands. Felicia and Rachel hope that this piece will stimulate further discussions about how to improve the discipline of archaeology on small islands.

You can access the full opinion piece here, and there is also a blog post about it on Felicia’s personal website.

