Exceptional routes to St. Thomas, free people of colour, 1803
The map shows some of the more spectacular routes taken by the free people of colour who lived in St. Thomas in 1803. These exceptional individuals had travelled far and wide, but nevertheless, their travels centred on the Lesser Antilles. We might imagine that they brought knowledge and skills from one island and empire to another as they circulated in the Lesser Antillean world.
David Knight & Laurette de T. Prime, St. Thomas 1803: Crossroads of the Diaspora. The 1803 proceedings and register of the free coloured inhabitants in the town of Charlotte Amalie, on the island of St. Thomas in the Danish West Indies, St. Thomas: Little Nordside Press 1999.
Please feel free to use the map with credits.
Credits and citation
“Map title: Exceptional routes to St. Thomas, free people of colour, 1803,” In the Same Sea: The Lesser Antilles as a Common World of Slavery and Freedom (supported by the European Research Council, agreement No. ERC-2019-COG 863671), Ping Chang, Rasmus Christensen, Gunvor Simonsen, June 2021, [insert link], accessed [insert date].